Lannie Rose knows how much a person can change. After all, she used to be a 45-year-old computer engineer—and a male. Then she got the idea that she might actually be a woman, in spite of her male anatomy, and so began her five year journey from man to woman.
FREE E-BOOKS! Lannie now offers free pdf downloads of her books:
Lannie does not have the rights to distribute Lannie: My Journey from Man to Woman as an e-book, but you are welcome to download its precursor—the mauscript that the publisher originally bought—Dirty Panties ... and other thrilling tales of my sex change. At the publisher's request, the manuscript was shortened by 25 percent, revised to a PG family-friendly rating, reorganized as a chronological narrative, and retitled. (Lannie would be interested in hearing your opinion of the publishers' changes.) Some of the deleted material wound up in Everything Nice; the rest is available on this Web site's Stories page.
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