Inanity Club provides an on-line meeting place where desirable, stylish, sophisticated and generally inane women can meet each, mock and ridicule non-Club members (as well as other members), share the joys and disappointments of their lives, rate the members of non-members, and otherwise waste their time. The officers of Inanity Club have no particular interest in your personal lives, and resent the time they spend processing your information. However, we recognize that many of you feel a need to tell us about yourselves anyway. So this Application/Questionnaire provides some guidelines of information you may want to submit to Inanity Club if you feel so compelled.
To be clear, It is NOT necessary to submit a completed Application/Questionnaire in order to join Inanity Club. In fact, doing so may actually increase your chances of being black-balled. But in the spirit of sisterly love, here is the Inanity Club Membership Application/Questionnaire.
Instructions: There are 2 parts. Part 1 is your vital statistics. Part 2 is the actual Inanity Club interview. Answer the questions in as much detail as you desire. Please, take your time. Remember, the less you say, the less you will waste the time of the Inanity Club officers. Any informtion you provide in response to this questionnaire may be posted in your Inanity Club member listing, and/or sold to any telemarketers who are willing to come through with a little scratch.
Part 1 -- Vital Statistics
Name (yours):
Nickname (current):
Nickname (high school):
Email address:
City (name any):
State (name any):
Country (name any):
Birthday (mm/dd/yy):
Age (does not need to agree with birth-year):
Age when virginity was lost:
Weight (cricle one): anorexic bulimic fat
Dress Size:
Shoe Size:
Number of pairs of shoes owned:
Blood Pressure:
Number of Fingers (circle one): fewer 10 more
Number of Toes (circle one): fewer 10 more
Favorite Fashions (barnyard animal, clown, etc.):
Favorite Makeup:
Nail polish color right now:
"I hate my father!" (cirle one): YES SOMETIMES NO
Favorite Movie(s):
Favorite Sexual Positions/Activities:
Super Powers:
Part 2 -- Inanity Girl Interview
The Inanity Club tries to present to the Inane Community an exclusive, desirable, stylish, sophisticated and an otherwise self-important group of women. For the Inanity Club to achieve that presentation means that the membership must avoid dealing with those very differences mentioned above. Differences or diversity only will make us, The Inanity Club, different or diverse! ..and sometimes just make us weep. But diversity will also make us deal with each other as stereotypes. If you are unwilling to accept others for who they are then you are pretty typical, really. The answers lie within you. Please quit asking me!
The entire content of this WebSite is copyrighted under the
United States copyright laws.
The owner of this copyright is The Inanity Club.
Copyright © 2002 The Inanity
Club; All rights reserved.
Date Last Updated: August 10, 2002